Historians are unsure of the exact date that this card game was first played around the early 1800 is the most popular estimate. Many countries had different names but the function was always the same: 1. A CARD GAME THAT REQUIRES NO SKILL!! 2. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE LUCK OF THE DRAW OR DEAL.
The objective of the game is to win all cards.
The game was probably invented in Britain and has been known there since at least the 1860s. It appears in Charles Dickenss 1861 novel Great Expectations, as the only card game Pip, the books protagonist, as a child seems to know how to play.
This popular childrens game is also sometimes known as Beggar my Neighbour, Beat Your Neighbour, Out of Doors or Taxes. In Trinidad, Barbados and maybe other Caribbean islands it is known as Suck the Well, and in French it is sometimes called Bataille Corse (Corsican battle). Other names for it are Egyptian War or Egyptian Rat Killer and so on, your success at Strip Me Naked depends on the luck of the draw; if you get a good smattering of court cards, you will probably win. If someone feels bad because they lost, you may want to remind him of that. But that doesnt mean you cant congratulate him if he wins!
Because the game theoretically can go on for a long time — and is ideal for long car journeys, waiting for planes, or similar situations — you can also agree that the player with the most cards at a certain predefined time is the winner. The pot won from this game is what makes it unique and fun. It is not normally played for money because there is no skill involved.
• Children play the game for fun: This game is most popular with the kids. Whereas SNAP requires some skill to be successful with this card game it is based on luck. Kids learn as they play and it will keep them entertained for hours.
• Convicts/Prisoners play the game for smokes or other forbidden goods: Nobody knows this game better than those with plenty of time on their hands and people in jail use this game to win much sought after condiments. Smokes and books are high on the most wanted list as wagers.
• Military personnel play the game for k-rations: Armed forces play this game when they travel and while they wait to go to war either as an exercise or the real deal. K-rations that are very precious to the front line fighters are used as wagers in these situations.
• Adults play the game for entertainment: Yes, this is the fairest card game for playing strip tease. Decks cannot be rigged, card counting does not help and everyone is treated honestly. The Adults Only Challenge where players can play online against total strangers will be available for all open minded adults who purchase the app.
The App performs the actions required and manages the few rules that this ancient game does have.
The only instruction needed to start playing is to tap your playing deck when the app tells you to do so.